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Who - What - How Worth noting - this site hasn't really been updated since 2004. It might look like it but it hasn't. Sorry. For my sins, I work in the City of London, England, live in Surrey. I like a lot of things and I can't be bothered to list them here. has always been, and remains a place for me to mess about with various technologies and ideas that interest me. Some may end up live on the site, some may not, but just because nothing appears to be happening doesn't mean nothing *is* happening ;) This site is hosted on a Debian box using PHP4 and Mysql. The HTML is (mostly) XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant* (which in turn means it isn't HTML 4.01 compliant but hey, nobody's perfect) in preparation for divorcing design, functionality and content with XML and XSLT. |